I don’t know about you, but Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the changing of the leaves, hot apple cider, pumpkin pie, and best of all….it’s jacket weather!!! Yea!!! I love leather jackets. I have a large collection ranging from Gap, to Andrew Marc, to Balenciaga. The moment the air gets crisp, I reach for a leather jacket, throw it on, and get out and enjoy the gorgeous Fall air in NYC. Here are some photos from yesterday. I grabbed my Mike & Chris Eames leather jacket with the detachable hood. I love the quality of the leather, it’s super soft and distressed. I also love the detailing on the front of the jacket, the chest panels with brass buttons add a tough edge, while the detachable hood is practical. LOVE.
What are some of your favorite leather jacket brands? Please share!

Special thanks to my boyfriend Chris for the awesome photography 😉
Jacket: Mike & Chris, Shirt: Old Navy, Jeans: BDG, Boots: Chinese Laundry, Necklace: House of Harlow, Ring: YSL